Friday, January 24, 2014

Healthy Eating

Some days for breakfast I have a delightful piece of fruit with a side of whole grain oatmeal, black coffee and a glass of water. Not all days start like this. This morning I ate the cold leftover piece of toast with three bites already taken out of it from my son. I washed it down with a Diet Coke. (I am hanging my head in a little bit of shame.) 

Have you ever had a conversation about what is in your diet with a friend or family member who is riding the wagon holding a banner of, "I've been eating healthy for a week now, so I am pretty much an expert" and regretted ever mentioning it to them?  I have had the conversation, and have been guilty of holding the banner.  This video brought back a lot of memories from my days of living in an area where it seemed that everyone around me was in some kind of competition of being the healthiest.  I tried to compete.  I failed. So I stopped the game and just played myself.  I now just try to do MY best because at the end of the day, that's all I have.

Fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, nuts and seeds.
Eat them.
Keep the produce fresh with The Bluapple.
Watch this video and have a good laugh.
May your weekend be fantastic.

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